Saturday, April 25, 2009

D.F.C.A. Kid's Fishing Derby 2009

Today was the 2009 Donegal Fish and Conservation Association Kid's Fishing Derby, which is held at the reflecting pond of the Donegal Presbyterian Church. This was our 15th derby and our turn-out was about 100 anglers.

We stocked around 350-400 trout last evening including two monsters pushing about 4-5 pounds. They, however, are still at large in the pond. The biggest fish landed was caught by a 5 year old girl. It was a 17 3/4 inch brook trout.

The derby is always a nice time, and a good way to introduce kids to fishing. Our club receives numerous compliments for the effort.

My youngest boy, tristan, caught 5 trout, so I'm making trout chowder for supper.


go annie said...

Yay Tristan!! Trout chowder - yum!

Van 1- Hall said...

thats awesome Fish. im sure the kids and community erally appreciate it and as an angler, I truly do. thanks man.